[COVID-19] #2 [EGG_雞蛋 玩 Data] #2 COVID-19 的死亡整理, 不知何時開啟的戰事
# COIVD-19, # Mortality, # Risk factors
(Last edited: 2021.06.08)
|| 👀疾管署死亡報表看到的數字
- 46.6% 有高血壓
- 38% 有糖尿病
- 25.7% 有心臟的問題
(註:CAD → 應該改成 Heart disease,通用心臟病 / HTN: 高血壓 / DM: 糖尿病 / COPD, Asthma: 慢性阻塞肺病, 氣喘 / Cancer: 癌症 / CKD: 慢性腎病變)
#2 By EGG H., data retrieved from Taiwan CDC, Press Release: Mortality, 20210527-0603 |
#1 By EGG H., data retrieved from Taiwan CDC, Press Release: Mortality, 20210527-0603 |
|| 資訊量太少,沒辦法做什麼校正或是其他統計分析,因為年紀也都相當,有這些慢性病也不奇怪,不過佔有糖尿病的比例似乎還是滿高的,所以做了一些資料收集, Among comorbidities 在各種共病症中:
- Italy, ICU patient: COPD (慢性肺病), hypercholesterolemia (高血脂症), diabetes (糖尿病), 和死亡有顯著相關 (Ref: Grasselli, Giacomo, et al. "Risk factors associated with mortality among patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units in Lombardy, Italy." JAMA internal medicine 180.10 (2020): 1345-1355.)
- China, Systemic Review: hypertension (高血壓) , diabetes (糖尿病), cardiovascular disease (心臟疾病), and respiratory diseases (呼吸疾病) 和重症/死亡有顯著相關 (Ref: Zheng, Zhaohai, et al. "Risk factors of critical & mortal COVID-19 cases: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis." Journal of Infection (2020).)
- Literature review, China (24), USA (2), Italy (2): 在死亡病例中已有的慢性病中最常被提到hypertension (高血壓), diabetes (糖尿病) and coronary heart disease (冠心病) (Ref: Wolff, Dominik, et al. "Risk factors for Covid-19 severity and fatality: a structured literature review." Infection (2020): 1-14.)
- 美國 CDC, 有證據會造成嚴重 COVID-19 的慢性病: Cancer, CVA, CKD, COPD and other lung disease, DM, Heart conditions (HF, CAD, CM)... (Ref: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Underlying medical conditions associated with high risk for severe COVID-19: Information for healthcare providers. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-care/underlyingconditions.html (Accessed on April 5, 2021).)
- 46.6% 有高血壓
- 38% 有糖尿病
- 25.7% 有心臟的問題
→ 是說如果拿這三個來看,大血管、小血管,似乎都和血管有關,不知道 COVID-19 virus 在 Mechanism 上是不是對於血管有甚麼影響?
|| 哪個是影響最大的? Which is more important? 💣
還有一個疑惑就是 "糖尿病" 似乎在預期之外多次被提到,所以究竟哪個影響最大?
就查到了一篇 Study, RCT: Prognostic model to identify and quantify risk factors for mortality among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in the USA [Figure 2]
- Ranking of importance of predictors of mortality, 這些預測的排名,誰最重要?
- 以共病來說, 影響排名:Metastatic cancer > Dementia > Moderate/severe liver disease > Congestive heart failure > Diabetes > Hypertension > Renal disease > CVA > mild liver disease > Cancer (Ref: Incerti, Devin, et al. "Prognostic model to identify and quantify risk factors for mortality among hospitalised patients with COVID-19 in the USA." BMJ open 11.4 (2021): e047121.)
有空再來看看其他 Study...
- data retrieved from Taiwan CDC, Press Release: Mortality, 20210527-0603 的 Excel 檔案: LINK
- 上面那兩張圖的 CODE: Github Link 💻💻💻 (#CODE: EGG. H.)
|| 心情小語 🗰 Mood Bubble:
疫情當下,每天看指揮官念數字,多少多少人,心裡一直都會很在意 "死亡" 的部分,究竟誰死了,為甚麼死了,畢竟,得了 COVID-19死掉,死掉的時候,是一個人。
By 破掉的雞蛋在戰場的前線, 🥚🥚🥚
💬 E-mail: mata.assembled@gmail.com