[麻醉讀書筆記 78-day Anesthesia Secrets] Day 02 - Respiratory and Pulmonary Physiology


Anesthesia Secrets 78 Chapter, Day 02

🙀There are no shortcuts, only hard work. 💪

Day 02 CM, Respiratory and Pulmonary Physiology

[基本 Lung Volume 名詞]

Lung Volume

FRC, Functional residual capacity

  • Normal: 1.7-3.4L
  • ↑ 增加
    •  mem: 有 COPD 的老男胖子 FRC 大
  • ↓ 減少
    • mem: 躺著負壓高的ILD 病患 FRC 小
    • posture: stand > prone > supine

Closing Capacity

  • Key 🔑: during expiration, when SMALL AIRWAY begin to close
  • young closing capacity: supine = 2/3 FRC
  • 會讓 closing capacity ↑, [👾口訣CLOSE👾]: Cigarettes, LV failure, Old age, Surgery, Emphysema (& asthma)]
  • Independent of position

    • Resistance 就跟兩個相關 [Tube] and [Gas]
      • Low (laminar) flow: [Tube] ∝ Length / (r*4 )
      • High (Turbulent) flow: [Tube] ∝ 1/ (r*5 )
    • → 應用: 所以如果 try weaning, 是因為↑ work of breathing → 可以 try larger size in diameter

    Different zones of West, Perfusion and ventilation

    (upright lung) [👾Mem👾]: 把 Alveolar 一個一個往後移動
    - Zone 1 - no blood flow -  P Alveolar > P artery > P vein
    - Zone 2 - moderate bf. - P a > P A > Pv
    - Zone 3 - Greatest bf. -  a > v > Alveolar

    • → wow → 把一個人 supine to supine → pulmonary blood flow ↑ 25-30%
    • 究竟 P Alveolar = ?
      • = Fi02, 0.21* (760 - PH2O, 47) - (PaCO2, 40 / RQ, 0.8) = 99.7

    A-a gradient, Hypoxemia 的 DDx

    • A-a gradient
      • = PAO2 - PaO2 (normal = age/4 + 4, e.g. 60/4+4 = 16)
      • Assessing the efficacy of gas exchange
    • 應用
    Hypoxemia, DDx (5)

    Hypercapnia 的 DDx

    Hypercapnia, DDx (3)


    • Physiologic dead space = anatomic (2ml/kg, 60kg→120ml) + alveolar dead space (healthy pt → 0)
    • HPV, Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction → help maintain V/Q normal relationship
    • CO2 在身體裡面
      • dissolved: 7%
      • HCO3-: 70%
      • CO2-Hb: 23%
    • Brain 呼吸中樞: bilateral medulla, pons

    Ref: Anesthesia Secrets, 4th edition. Chapter 02

    By 破掉的雞蛋, 🥚🥚🥚

    💬 E-mail: mata.assembled@gmail.com