Anesthesia Secrets 78 Chapter, Day 01
🙀There are no shortcuts, only hard work. 💪
Day 01 ANS, Autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic / Parasympathetic, neuro transmitter |
[End-Organ effect of Adrenergic Receptor]
End organ effects of Adrenergic R. |
[談談 Sympathomimetic drug / 就是合成的東西啦]
天然的: NE, Epi, DA vs. 合成的主要分成兩種
- Direct-acting: 直接 target 到 Receptor
- Phenylephrine
- 作用在 alpha-1: 所以 vasoconstriction → SVR ↑ (→ reflex bradycardia), 讓 BP ↑
- 💊 IV dose: 50-200 mcg, Infusion: 10-20 mcg/min
- Isoproterenol
- Dobutamine
- Indirect → stimulate release of NE
- Ephedrine
- 作用在 Alpha-1: SVR↑
- 作用在 Beta-1: HR ↑
- 💊 IV dose: 5-25 mcg (repeated dose 會↓ response, tachyphylasix)
- ⛔ 禁止, 病人有再吃 (-) reuptake of NE (TCA, MAOI) 的話不能用 → 會 severe HTN
[談談 Anticholinergic (muscarinic antagonist) 就是 (-) 副交感那裏的 Ach R.]
- ↑ HR
- Bronchodilation
- (-) Secretion
- Atropine
- Scopolamine
- Glycopyrrolate: 手術前手術中用以減少唾液, 不過 BBB
- Ipratropium bromide: for bronchodilate
- 病房常吸的 Atrovent
[嘿嘿 Pheochromocytoma 💥]
- Catecholamine-secreting tumor
- mostly intra-renal
- extra-renal 最常見在 w/in bladder wall
- 10% malignant
- Diagnosis
- ↑ plasma/urine catecholamine and metabolites
- 注意
- Often 為 Volume depleted
- risk of ↑ HTN
- Pre-OP (🚧待完整建構中🚧)
- Rehydration
- 先用
- Phenoxybenzamine, a non-selective alpha blocker, 口服, is the most common medication used to alpha block patients prior to pheochromocytoma resection.
- Selective alpha blockers such as doxazosin are also commonly used to alpha block patients prior to pheochromocytoma resection.
- 再用
- beta-blocker (常用 Labetalol)
- Intra-OP
- tumor 拿掉之前
- IV alpha-blocker: phentolamine
- Vasodilator: Nitroprusside
- tumor 拿掉之後
- Fluid
- Alpha-agonist: pnehylphrine
- beta-blocker: OP 當天要吃
- beta 1-blocker: ↓ cardiac output, O2 requirement 所以 benefit in Ischemic heart disease,也可以防止停掉的 risk of rebound
- Clonidine (alpha-2 blocker) OP 當天也要吃
- 也是要小心停掉 rebound HTN
- Peri-induction 的 HypoTN
- IV fluid
- Direct-acting sympathomimetics: e.g. Phenylephrine
Ref: Anesthesia Secrets, 4th edition. Chapter 01
By 破掉的雞蛋, 🥚🥚🥚💬 E-mail: